Aug 17, 2009


dry metric ton unit 干吨度
All iron ore is priced in U.S. dollars, which facilitates comparison. The unit pricing system is used with iron ore to accommodate variations in iron content. Prices are quoted in U.S. cents per ton unit of iron. A unit is 1/100, or 1%, of the weight of a ton of iron so that 1 metric ton unit corresponds to 1/100th of a metric ton. This means that a steelmaker that buys 1 ton of ore that is about 65% iron is paying for 1 ton of iron contained in that ore and will receive about 1½ tons of ore.[1]
每单位为 1/100 吨。

2009年,铁矿石谈判,中钢协和 FMG 敲定铁矿石 94美分/干吨度。

[1] Iron Ore by William S. Kirk