Apr 7, 2010

Intel Core 酷睿

英特尔® 酷睿™

酷睿即 Core
Core Duo,仅支持 x86 指令
Core 2 Duo,支持 x86_64, x86
Core i3, i5, i7,支持 x86_64, x86

关于 64 位处理器,操作系统和程序的关系,Wikipedia x86_64 描述的很详细,x86_64 分为两种运行模式,long mode 适合于64位操作系统:
The architecture's intended primary mode of operation; it is a combination of the processor's native 64-bit mode and a combined 32-bit and 16-bit compatibility mode. It is used by 64-bit operating systems. Under a 64-bit operating system, 64-bit programs run under 64-bit mode, and 32-bit and 16-bit protected mode applications which do not need to use either real mode or virtual 8086 mode in order to execute at any time run under compatibility mode. Real-mode programs and programs that use virtual 8086 mode at any time cannot be run in long mode unless they are emulated.

Since the basic instruction set is the same, there is almost no performance penalty for executing protected mode x86 code. This is unlike Intel's IA-64, where differences in the underlying ISA means that running 32-bit code must be done either in emulation of x86 (making the process slower) or with a dedicated x86 core. However, on the x86-64 platform, many 32-bit x86 applications could benefit from a 64-bit recompile, due to the additional registers in 64-bit code and guaranteed SSE2-based FPU support, which a compiler can use for optimization. However, applications that regularly handle integers wider than 32 bits like cryptographic algorithms will need a rewrite of the code handling the huge integers to take advantage of the 64-bit registers.
总的来说,现在主流的处理器都支持 x86_64,最好是装 64 位操作系统,才能体现64位的好处。

酷睿 i3, i5, i7 系列,是从低端到高端,笔记本一般是双核的,桌面是4核的。

英特尔® 睿频加速技术◊1

睿频加速帮助电脑在需要额外性能时自动加快处理器速度——这就是支持加速的睿频加速功能。此种功能将在 2010 全新英特尔® 酷睿™ i5 处理器家族指定型号上提供。
英特尔® 超线程(HT)技术◊2

4 路多任务处理支持每枚内核同时处理两项应用,为您提供智能多任务处理所需的性能。无论您同时打开多少应用,运行速度不会受到丝毫的影响。
英特尔® 高清显卡(HD Graphics)技术◊3

英特尔® 高清显卡(HD Graphics)技术可为您带来更清晰的图像、更丰富的色彩以及更逼真的音频和视频,打造视觉体验的巅峰。欣赏高清晰度电影和互联网视频、畅玩热门的游戏作品以及获得 Microsoft Windows* 7 的全面支持。所有特性均为内置,无需再额外添加视频卡。