#!/usr/bin/python # submenu.py import wx import os import cv # For each item that triggers an event, allocate one ID # Maybe you want to differentiate menu, toolbar, and others event sources ID_OPEN = 1 ID_CLOSE = 2 ID_QUIT = 3 ID_PROC_GRAY = 11 ID_TOOL_OPEN = 101 ID_TOOL_CLOSE = 102 #iconpath = r'/home/bee33/win/Basic_set_Png' iconpath = r'G:\win\Basic_set_Png' # Context menu class ImagePanel(wx.Panel): def __init__(self, parent, id): wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, id) self.bmp = None self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint) def OnPaint(self, event): dc = wx.PaintDC(self) # print 'In Panel' if self.bmp: dc.DrawBitmap(self.bmp, 0, 0) def SetBmp(self, bmp): self.bmp = bmp class MyFrame(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, parent, id, title): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, size=(400, 600)) # Set icon icon = wx.EmptyIcon() icon.CopyFromBitmap(wx.Bitmap(os.path.join(iconpath,'buy_16.png'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)) self.SetIcon(icon) # Menubar menubar = wx.MenuBar() # Menu 1 file = wx.Menu() file.Append(ID_OPEN, '&Open', 'Open an image') file.Append(ID_CLOSE, '&Close', 'Close the image') file.Append(ID_QUIT, '&Quit') # Menu 2 proc_menu = wx.Menu() proc_menu.Append(ID_PROC_GRAY, 'RGB->&Gray', 'RGB->Gray') # Finally, the end for menu parts menubar.Append(file, '&File') menubar.Append(proc_menu, '&View') self.SetMenuBar(menubar) # Toolbar self.toolbar = self.CreateToolBar() self.toolbar.AddLabelTool(ID_TOOL_OPEN, '', wx.Bitmap(os.path.join(iconpath,'open16.png')),longHelp='Open a new image') self.toolbar.AddLabelTool(ID_TOOL_CLOSE, '', wx.Bitmap(os.path.join(iconpath,'close16.png')),longHelp='Close the image') self.toolbar.Realize() # Status bar self.statusbar = self.CreateStatusBar() ########### Client Area ############# panel = wx.Panel(self, -1) # it is void, only shows how to deal with background color #panel.SetBackgroundColour(panel.GetBackgroundColour()) ######### Which sizer to use ############ # wx.BoxSizer: a row or a column. We can put another sizer into an existing sizer. # wx.StaticBoxSizer: Identical to a wx.BoxSizer, with the one addition of a border (and optional # caption) around the box. # wx.GridSizer lays out widgets in two dimensional table. # Each cell within the table has the same size. # wx.FlexGridSizer: All cells in a row have the same height. # All cells in a column have the same width. # But all rows and columns are not necessarily the same height or width. # box.Add(wx.Window window, integer proportion=0, integer flag = 0, integer border = 0) # proportion: 0 - Do not change size # it is relative, item with 2 changes twice the degree of item with 1 # # Flag: # wx.EXPAND: strech to the possible size # wx.LEFT # wx.RIGHT # wx.BOTTOM # wx.TOP # wx.ALL: all the above are border margin flags # wx.ALIGN_LEFT # wx.ALIGN_RIGHT # wx.ALIGN_TOP # wx.ALIGN_BOTTOM # wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL # wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL # wx.ALIGN_CENTER: the above are item alignment flags # top sizer vbox_top = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) # Info Panel pnlinfo = wx.Panel(panel, -1) sbox1 = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(pnlinfo, -1, 'Info'), orient=wx.VERTICAL) self.infost = wx.StaticText(pnlinfo, -1, '') sbox1.Add(self.infost) pnlinfo.SetSizer(sbox1) # part 5, image panel self.pnlimage = ImagePanel(panel, -1) self.img = None # a sizer can add a panel or another sizer vbox_top.Add(self.pnlimage, 2, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) vbox_top.Add(pnlinfo, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) # set top sizer panel.SetSizer(vbox_top) ########## Event binding ############## # Menu events binding self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnOpen, id=ID_OPEN) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnClose, id=ID_CLOSE) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnQuit, id=ID_QUIT) # Tool events binding self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL, self.OnOpen, id=ID_TOOL_OPEN) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL, self.OnClose, id=ID_TOOL_CLOSE) # self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnGray, id=ID_PROC_GRAY) # Show the frame self.Centre() self.Show(True) ########## Event Handlers ############# def OnOpen(self, event): wildcard = "Other Image files (*.*)|*.*|" \ "PNG Image (*.png)|*.png|" \ "JPG Image (*.jpg)|*.jpg" dialog = wx.FileDialog(None, "Choose a file", os.getcwd(), "", wildcard, wx.OPEN) if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.img = cv.LoadImage(dialog.GetPath()) self.infost.SetLabel('LaLaLa') self.SetColorImg(self.img) self.Refresh() def OnClose(self, event): self.img = None self.pnlimage.SetBmp(None) self.infost.SetLabel('') self.Refresh() def OnQuit(self, event): self.Close() def OnGray(self, event): if self.img: img2 = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(self.img), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1) cv.CvtColor(self.img, img2, cv.CV_BGR2GRAY) self.SetGrayImg(img2) self.Refresh() def SetColorImg(self, img): if img: img2 = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(img), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3) cv.CvtColor(img, img2, cv.CV_BGR2RGB) bmp = wx.BitmapFromBuffer(img2.width, img2.height, img2.tostring()) self.pnlimage.SetBmp(bmp) def SetGrayImg(self, img): if img: # unless other method of creating wx.Bitmap from gray cv image is found # Here we create a color image by copying planes img2 = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(img), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3) cv.Merge(img,img,img,None,img2) self.SetColorImg(img2) app = wx.App(False) MyFrame(None, -1, 'wxPython Template') app.MainLoop()
wxpython 总结例子
#!/usr/bin/python # submenu.py import wx import os # For each item that triggers an event, allocate one ID # Maybe you want to differentiate menu, toolbar, and others event sources ID_QUIT = 1 ID_NEW = 2 ID_TOOL_EXIT = 3 ID_STAT = 11 ID_TOOL = 13 ID_RADIO1 = 14 ID_RADIO2 = 15 ID_TOOL_ENABLE = 21 ID_TOOL_DISABLE = 22 #iconpath = r'/home/bee33/win/Basic_set_Png' iconpath = r'G:\win\Basic_set_Png' # Context menu class MyPopupMenu(wx.Menu): def __init__(self, parent): wx.Menu.__init__(self) self.parent = parent minimize = wx.MenuItem(self, wx.NewId(), 'Minimize') self.AppendItem(minimize) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMinimize, id=minimize.GetId()) def OnMinimize(self, event): self.parent.Iconize() class MyFrame(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, parent, id, title): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, size=(400, 600)) # Set icon icon = wx.EmptyIcon() icon.CopyFromBitmap(wx.Bitmap(os.path.join(iconpath,'buy_16.png'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)) self.SetIcon(icon) # Menubar menubar = wx.MenuBar() # Menu 1 file = wx.Menu() file.Append(ID_NEW, '&New', 'New in Statusbar') file.Append(-1, '&Open') file.Append(-1, '&Save') file.AppendSeparator() # Submenu of Menu 1. Note it is also wx.Menu imp = wx.Menu() imp.Append(-1, 'Import newsfeed list...') imp.Append(-1, 'Import bookmarks...') imp.Append(-1, 'Import mail...') file.AppendMenu(-1, 'I&mport', imp) quit = wx.MenuItem(file, ID_QUIT, '&Quit\tCtrl+W') quit.SetBitmap(wx.Bitmap(os.path.join(iconpath,'left_16.png'))) file.AppendItem(quit) # Menu 2 view = wx.Menu() # 'Check' type Menu self.shst = view.Append(ID_STAT, 'Show statubar', 'Show Statusbar', kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK) self.shtl = view.Append(ID_TOOL, 'Show toolbar', 'Show Toolbar', kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK) view.Check(ID_STAT, True) view.Check(ID_TOOL, True) # 'Radio' type Menu self.radio1 = view.AppendRadioItem(ID_RADIO1, 'Show statubar', 'Show Statusbar') self.radio2 = view.AppendRadioItem(ID_RADIO2, 'Hide statubar', 'Hide Statusbar') # Finally, the end for menu parts menubar.Append(file, '&File') menubar.Append(view, '&View') self.SetMenuBar(menubar) # Toolbar self.toolbar = self.CreateToolBar() self.toolbar.AddLabelTool(ID_TOOL_EXIT, '', wx.Bitmap(os.path.join(iconpath,'left_16.png'))) self.toolbar.AddLabelTool(ID_TOOL_ENABLE, '', wx.Bitmap(os.path.join(iconpath,'tick_16.png')),longHelp='Enable Exit Tool') self.toolbar.AddLabelTool(ID_TOOL_DISABLE, '', wx.Bitmap(os.path.join(iconpath,'delete_16.png')), shortHelp='Disable Exit Tool') self.toolbar.Realize() # Status bar self.statusbar = self.CreateStatusBar() ########### Client Area ############# panel = wx.Panel(self, -1) # it is void, only shows how to deal with background color panel.SetBackgroundColour(panel.GetBackgroundColour()) ######### Which sizer to use ############ # wx.BoxSizer: a row or a column. We can put another sizer into an existing sizer. # wx.StaticBoxSizer: Identical to a wx.BoxSizer, with the one addition of a border (and optional # caption) around the box. # wx.GridSizer lays out widgets in two dimensional table. # Each cell within the table has the same size. # wx.FlexGridSizer: All cells in a row have the same height. # All cells in a column have the same width. # But all rows and columns are not necessarily the same height or width. # box.Add(wx.Window window, integer proportion=0, integer flag = 0, integer border = 0) # proportion: 0 - Do not change size # it is relative, item with 2 changes twice the degree of item with 1 # # Flag: # wx.EXPAND: strech to the possible size # wx.LEFT # wx.RIGHT # wx.BOTTOM # wx.TOP # wx.ALL: all the above are border margin flags # wx.ALIGN_LEFT # wx.ALIGN_RIGHT # wx.ALIGN_TOP # wx.ALIGN_BOTTOM # wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL # wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL # wx.ALIGN_CENTER: the above are item alignment flags # top sizer vbox_top = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # Part 1 - Absolute positioning pab = wx.Panel(panel, -1) wx.TextCtrl(pab, -1, pos=(-1, -1), size=(250, 40)) # part2 - box sizer # note that hbox is on the top of this part hbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) panel3 = wx.Panel(panel, -1) panel3.SetBackgroundColour('#808080') panel4 = wx.Panel(panel, -1) panel4.SetBackgroundColour('#404040') hbox.Add(panel3,1,wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL,5) hbox.Add(panel4,2,wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL,5) # part 3 - static box sbox = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(panel, -1, 'Direction'), orient=wx.VERTICAL) # take panel as its parent, rather than treat panel as a static box sbox.Add(wx.RadioButton(panel, -1, 'Forward', style=wx.RB_GROUP)) sbox.Add(wx.RadioButton(panel, -1, 'Backward')) # part 4 - grid panel1 = wx.Panel(panel, -1) grid1 = wx.GridSizer(2, 2) grid1.Add(wx.StaticText(panel1, -1, 'Find: ', (5, 5)), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) grid1.Add(wx.ComboBox(panel1, -1, size=(120, -1))) grid1.Add(wx.StaticText(panel1, -1, 'Replace with: ', (5, 5)), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) grid1.Add(wx.ComboBox(panel1, -1, size=(120, -1))) panel1.SetSizer(grid1) # part 5, image panel self.panel5 = wx.Panel(panel, -1) self.sbp = wx.StaticBitmap(self.panel5, -1, wx.Bitmap('../glove.jpg')) # a sizer can add a panel or another sizer vbox_top.Add(pab, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) vbox_top.Add(hbox, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) vbox_top.Add(sbox, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) vbox_top.Add(panel1, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) vbox_top.Add(self.panel5, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) # set top sizer panel.SetSizer(vbox_top) # Show the frame self.Centre() self.Show(True) ########## Event binding ############## # Menu events binding self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnQuit, id=ID_QUIT) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnNew, id=ID_NEW) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.ToggleStatusBar, id=ID_STAT) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.ToggleToolBar, id=ID_TOOL) # For radio menu events, their share the same handler self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.ToggleRadio, id=ID_RADIO1) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.ToggleRadio, id=ID_RADIO2) # Context Menu self.sbp.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN, self.OnRightDown) # Tool events binding self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL, self.OnToolExit, id=ID_TOOL_EXIT) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL, self.OnToolEnable, id=ID_TOOL_ENABLE) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL, self.OnToolDisable, id=ID_TOOL_DISABLE) ########## Event Handlers ############# def OnQuit(self, event): self.Close() def OnNew(self, event): wx.MessageBox('New') def ToggleStatusBar(self, event): if self.shst.IsChecked(): self.statusbar.Show() else: self.statusbar.Hide() def ToggleToolBar(self, event): if self.shtl.IsChecked(): self.toolbar.Show() else: self.toolbar.Hide() def ToggleRadio(self, event): if self.radio1.IsChecked(): self.toolbar.Show() if self.radio2.IsChecked(): self.toolbar.Hide() def OnRightDown(self, event): # self.sbp.GetPosition() self.PopupMenu(MyPopupMenu(self), self.panel5.GetPosition()+event.GetPosition()+(0,5)) def OnToolExit(self, event): self.Destroy() def OnToolEnable(self, event): self.toolbar.EnableTool(ID_TOOL_EXIT, True) def OnToolDisable(self, event): self.toolbar.EnableTool(ID_TOOL_EXIT, False) app = wx.App(False) MyFrame(None, -1, 'wxPython Template') app.MainLoop()
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