Dec 18, 2008

Fedora linux 增加字体,输入中文

How to add fonts?
FC8 stores its fonts in the default /usr/share/fonts

So here is what you have to do:
1. make a dir under in /usr/share/fonts
2. cp the fonts you like to the newly dir
3. generate fonts.dir and fonts.scale
#ttmkfdir -o fonts.scale 建立fonts.scale文件
#mkfontdir 生成字体目录索引
4. execute #fc-cache -fv
5. Enjoy


How to input chinese?
After do yum update, it is pretty easy to input other languages under English environment.
All you have to do is nothing but enable using scim in
System->Preferences->Personal->Input Method

Enjoy it!

USE in Audacious:
Two steps:
1. change the playlist fonts to microsoft yahei
2. playlist setup, auto character encoding detector for Chinese

090616 总结
使用 scim 和 scim-python 还是不错的,据称后者用了搜狗拼音输入法的词表。
scim-python 的作者后来开发了 ibus,据称也不错。

im-chooser 命令可以选择使用 scim 还是 ibus。