fullBnt 软件中,对于 DBN,循环过程是
- 计算 likelihood
- EM
- 用前面计算的 likelihood 判断是否收敛
我自己参考写的 Face recognition using HMM (参见E:\matlab\examples\orl_faces),几乎都是出现下列错误之一
1. positive likelihood
2. decreasing likelihood
3. alpha assert 错误
3 是因为某一个 node,离所有的 component means,都太远了,以至于 p(y|x) 都为零。我也不知道如何初始化,好像都没有用
另外一个问题是,数据如何 Pre processing,
- 不处理
- normalize each dimension separately
- scale each dimension to [-1 1] separately
HMM 是 EM,要让 likelihood 越大越好,那样似乎总是会力图让某一个 component 的 covariance 为 singular
参见 HMM toolbox 的使用说明
It is possible for p(x) > 1 if p(x) is a probability density function, such as a Gaussian. (The requirements for a density are p(x)>0 for all x and int_x p(x) = 1.) In practice this usually means your covariance is shrinking to a point/delta function, so you should increase the width of the prior (see below), or constrain the matrix to be spherical or diagonal, or clamp it to a large fixed constant (not learn it at all). It is also very helpful to ensure the components of the data vectors have small and comparable magnitudes (use e.g., KPMstats/standardize).
This is a well-known pathology of maximum likelihood estimation for Gaussian mixtures: the global optimum may place one mixture component on a single data point, and give it 0 covariance, and hence infinite likelihood. One usually relies on the fact that EM cannot find the global optimum to avoid such pathologies.
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